Does a Spayed Dog Still Have a Period? Bleed After Spaying

Does a Spayed Dog Still Have a Period? Photo of a dog with a blood drop by its side.

After you get your dog spayed, you may be wondering if does a spayed dog still have a period. Here’s what you need to know about spaying and her reproductive schedule.

A spayed dog is no longer physically capable of having her period. Her ovaries and uterus are removed during her spay surgery, so both the organs responsible for her period and the hormones they produce are physically no longer in her body. Sometimes, she can have symptoms of a period after her spay surgery which would be part of healing or a complication.

Can female dogs still bleed after being spayed?

Yes, bleeding is physically possible after she has been spayed. It depends on when she is bleeding and how much, of course. Three main reasons include:

  • She is healing;
  • Her body is getting rid of leftover discharge;
  • She still has some hormones “swimming around.”

She is healing

There is a set recovery time for her spay surgery which may or may not involve some blood. The most obvious sign of this would be blood around her incision. It could be from popping a stitch or just part of the healing itself.

Her body is getting rid of leftover discharge

Directly after her spay, she may have a bit of bloody discharge that is leftover from the surgery. Since the surgery is traumatic to her organs, this is considered relatively normal. However, it is something to keep an eye on, as it should subside quickly as she heals.

She still has some hormones “swimming around”

Occasionally, dogs will have some hormones swimming around after their surgery. They could be leftover ones from where she was on her cycle itself, or they could be new ones created from surgical remnants. 

This is the most likely scenario if it’s been a month or two since her last cycle, and you notice a bit of bloody discharge. Surgical remnants can cause hormones to continue to present and result in those signs of heat that you thought would disappear after her spay. You’ll want to take her to your usual vet to make sure.

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Why is my spayed dog in heat behavior?

Most people believe that when their dog’s organs are removed, they’ll immediately stop all of their heat behaviors. This can be true, but not always! If your dog is in heat when she is spayed, or is close to going in heat, then she may continue to have some heat behavior after her spay. It will take some time for the hormones to delete. After they do, this behavior won’t return (except for the remnants we talked about).

Can a spayed dog still give off a scent?

Typically, no, a spayed dog isn’t capable of releasing her scent that would typically attract males to mate with her. This doesn’t mean that she won’t have attention, however! Many male dogs — even neutered — can pay attention to her since their surgery works a little differently. Her ability to produce a scent is hormone-driven, so the hormones will no longer be there!

Does a spayed dog still want to mate?

This is considered very, very rare. A spayed dog should have no interest at all in mating because her hormones are gone. If she still has an interest and a noticeable amount of it, this is another indicator that she may have some remnants of her ovarian tissue!.

Can a spayed dog get pregnant?

Are you feeling a little uncertain, now, about the effectiveness of her spay surgery? It’s okay. It’s expected. If you’re worried about a possible pregnancy, you don’t need to be. The ovaries and uterus are removed during the surgery, so she is unable to become pregnant. Even if she were to mate with a dog that hadn’t been neutered, she wouldn’t physically be capable of getting pregnant.

Since a swollen and bloody vulva is often a sign to watch for when your dog is getting ready to give birth, seeing bloody discharge can be really concerning to those who fear that they may need to create a space for their dog to deliver. If she has been spayed, pregnancy is no longer physically possible!

Is a spay reversible?

A spay isn’t reversible. This is a permanent procedure where your dog’s organs are taken out of her to prevent her from getting pregnant (amongst other health benefits). If you think that you may use your dog for breeding in the future, you will not want to have her spayed.

Keep in mind that typical household dog pregnancies are more common than most would think. This is part of why dog overpopulation is as much of an issue as it is. While it is always the pet parent’s decision on getting their pet spayed, the health benefits of a spay are going to combine with the pregnancy-free benefits and make this an excellent decision for your dog’s quality of life. Plus, adopting or purchasing a puppy is always going to be possible in the future, should you wish to have a tumbling bundle of fur running around in your home!

Why is my spayed dog bleeding?

It really will depend on what’s going on with your dog, specifically. For some dogs, it could be a surgical remnant. If the vet who performed the spay missed some organs, they can stay in the body and result in heat behavior and bloody discharge twice a year. If you notice it happening simultaneously as her normal heat cycles would have been, this is a good indicator. The more signs that you notice of her heat behavior, the more likely it is.

However, sometimes bloody discharge could be a sign of another health problem entirely. It could be an infection, or perhaps a skin condition around her vulva, etc. If you notice bloody discharge and she has been spayed previously, a trip to the vet is an excellent idea to see what’s going on!  A dog who is appropriately spayed should not be having bloody discharge.

How do I ensure my dog is spayed properly?

First and foremost, you’ll want to do your research on your vet. Most people will do with their classic family vet, which means that your dog will be in good hands! These are professionally trained vets and are certified in doing the procedures that they do.

When you look to help cost costs, the problem becomes by going with a low-cost clinic for a spay procedure. Since a spay procedure cost can be significant, it’ll lead researchers to look for cheaper options.

These cheaper options sometimes come at the “cost” of the procedure being done correctly, and that means that you’ll need to have it fixed with your regular vet. While many feel that a low-cost spay clinic is their only option to help keep their finances in order, having it done with a vet that you trust will minimize complications. This is both from the surgery itself and any possible remnants missed by surgeons who are in a rush.


After she is spayed, a dog can’t have her period. The organs responsible for this will be removed, and the hormones they produce will also disappear from her body after the surgery and its recovery phase.

Sometimes, she can have symptoms of going into heat, which could indicate a health concern. It’s important to know what they are so that you can help to take proper care of her.

A spayed dog whose procedure is done correctly will not have her period or a menstrual cycle at all.

Know someone who’s stressing about bloody discharge and potential puppies? Share this with them to bring them some peace of mind!

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Andre Neves

Hi, I'm Andre and I'm the owner of Sula the Border Collie. I love writing about this amazing dog breed here. I joined the Council to be able to reach and educate more people on the joy of having a pet dog.