Dogs are a man’s best friend. However whatever we eat do not suit them entirely. The foods have an unwanted effect on their digestive system and health in all. So, these are very important questions about whether dogs can eat basmati rice or diabetic dogs can eat brown rice, in order to keep your dog healthy. It is a general notion to believe that dogs are carnivores, whereas it is seen that dogs can evolve into omnivores. An ideal diet for a dog contains 75 calories per kilo of body weight every day.
Is It Safe to Feed Your Dog Basmati Rice for Upset Stomach?
Basmati Rice is a staple food with a lot of carbohydrates. It is possible for a dog to digest it. It is usually advised to feed him basmati rice, along with some boiled meat or vegetables. Basmati rice, on its own, can have some unwanted effect on your pet. As it is a quick carbohydrate, when it is provided on its own, without protein dogs tend to become hyperactive and a long term effect would be making them obese and dull.Is Basmati Rice Healthy for Dogs
Most dogs need a huge amount of protein in their diet. But a small amount of addition of simple carbohydrates like basmati rice will not do any harm. So, dogs can eat basmati rice, in moderation; say like twice or thrice every week. In fact, some vets suggest that if a dog is suffering from stomach problems then, it is a very good idea to feed him Basmati rice with some boiled meat. This combination of food is good for the dog as it helps to calm down an upset stomach. Also, Basmati rice has a lower Glycemic index than the commonly used plain rice. But also one needs to be careful and notice if there are any changes in your pet’s behavior or digestion pattern, if it is so, then Basmati Rice should be discontinued immediately.
Some dogs are pretty sensitive and can’t tolerate specific carbohydrates. Signs of allergies will pop up in the dog after consumption of Basmati, for example, the skin will itch, loss of hair and infection mostly in the ear are the common signs of discomfort.
Rashes and bumps, along with obsessive chewing behavior along with that inflamed, red paws and flared skin are also noticed shortly thereafter. But there is nothing to worry as these signs of allergies are the result of an overactive immune system. Also once the rice is removed from the food items, the normal behavior will be restored.
It is also of utmost importance that the dog drinks a fair amount of water daily, in order to avoid constipation from all that rice. Also, it is seen in research that many dog food companies, use various types of rice as an ingredient in their dog food. So, unless a dog is allergic or sensitive to basmati rice, he can safely consume it without a problem. It is always advised to consult an expert before trying out new food items like Basmati rice on your dog.
Diabetes in dogs is a common problem; usually, the old ones suffer from it. So, for those dogs, it is of utmost importance to have a properly planned out diet. The main thing that has to be kept in mind while treating a dog is the changes in the blood sugar level. And without a doubt, one has to try to keep it low.
Dogs with diabetes if treated properly have full chances of leading a normal life span. Insulin injections must not be neglected at all and a vet should be regularly consulted. Diabetes has the same effects on humans as well, so there are a few common points. But it is also a necessary factor that they have a weaker digestive system. It is also important to keep in mind that a dog might be sensitive to some food items. A diabetic dog has increased thirst, appetite and urination problem followed by weight loss. Kidney failures and Cataracts are common diseases which can be induced from diabetes. So, a diabetic dog definitely needs special care.
Should You Feed Your Dog Brown Rice?
In many situations, we have seen that diabetes leads to neuropathy and that is absolutely unwanted. So, rich fiber like brown rice is suggested by many vets, when the blood sugar level of your pet crosses the optimum level.
Brown rice has a Glycemic index of 75, which is quite high for a diabetic dog to be consuming. But a meager amount of anything does not harm anyone, so diabetic dogs can eat brown rice. When a dog has diabetes it is always advised to stick to contemporary food only, like boiled meat, which has a Glycemic index lower than the rice.
Doctors also say it is very necessary for a diabetic dog to eat whatever he likes to and has it willingly. Also, although carbohydrates are asked to be avoided, if the dog becomes insulin resistant, it might be of some help to introduce some low carbohydrate food in his diet. And it is true that brown rice is better than the white rice, which has a higher Glycemic index of 85.
In any case, nothing should be fed to a canine without consulting a vet. Also, studies reveal that different dogs react differently when brown rice is fed to them. For some, it might be helpful whereas for the others it will not. It mostly varies from dog to dog whether he should be fed brown rice or refrained from it. But one can never disagree that brown rice or fiber has always been a controversial topic when it comes to dogs.
Onions, avocados, mushrooms, garlic, grapes, figs, and artificial sweeteners are a strict no when it comes to a diabetic dog. Proteins must be incorporated in the diet in high amount, especially for dogs with weight issues, be it overweight problems or underweight problems. The digestion time of carbohydrates is much lesser than fats or proteins.
The digestion time of carbohydrates is much lesser than fats or proteins. Simple carbohydrates have to be avoided as they get digested faster and affects the blood glucose level. But the complex ones, for example, starch gets digested slowly. Although a diet with a low amount of fat is suggested, doctors are not very sure about the ideal diet for a diabetic dog.
It is necessary to keep in mind the activity level, weight, and other factors while preparing a diet that would suit the health conditions of a diabetic dog. It is also an important point to keep in mind that, insulin should not be injected in dos when it has not had its food. Insulin in the empty stomach can be fatal.