Where Should My Dog Sleep at Night Time? the Best Location

Where Should My Dog Sleep at Night Time? Photo of a dog sleeping.

Where your pet sleeps is up to you, but here are some things that you might want to consider.

Wherever your dog sleeps, it should be somewhere comfortable and quiet, with fresh water available. It should also be somewhere away from drafts or noise, so keep this in mind when choosing a spot for your best friend.

There are many options for where your pup can sleep at night, but in the end, it is up to you!

Where should my dog sleep at night time?

Where your dog sleeps is ultimately up to you, but there are some things to consider

The bedroom

Should your dog sleep in the same room with you at night? Some people find this comforting, as it gives them a sense of security to have their dog close by.

However, not everyone wants their pet in the bedroom, and if you’re one of those people, there are plenty of other places for Fido to snooze.

The Living Room

Your dog might like sleeping with you on the couch or in bed, but there are plenty of benefits to letting your pooch snooze in another room.

The living room is a great place for your dog to sleep because it is usually quiet and comfortable, and there is usually plenty of space for them to move around.

The Basement

If you have a finished basement, this is often a great place for your dog to sleep. It’s usually dark and quiet, and your pup will enjoy having their own space to relax in.

The Garage

If you have a large garage, your dog might enjoy sleeping there. This can be especially beneficial during the summer months when it’s too hot to keep them inside.

Just make sure that the garage is secure and free of things that could harm your pet, such as harmful chemicals or tools.

Outside in the yard

Some people choose to let their dogs sleep outside, especially in good weather. This can be a great option if you have a fenced-in yard where your pet can roam around and play during the day.

Just make sure that your dog has plenty of shelter from the sun or rain and access to fresh water at all times.

No matter where your dog sleeps, make sure that you keep a collar with up-to-date identification on him at all times. This is the best way to ensure that your pet will come back safely if he gets lost inside or outside of your home

Dog Bed Or Dog Crate?

When it comes to where your pup should sleep, one of the most important decisions you’ll have to make is whether he should sleep in a dog bed or a dog crate.

Dog beds are a great option for dogs who like to feel secure and have their own space.

A crate can be a good option for puppies or dogs who are still learning to house-train, as it limits their space and makes it easier to keep an eye on them.

He might not like sleeping in a box at first, but some dogs get used to it once they realize that this is not a punishment.

A crate can be beneficial if you have to leave your dog alone for extended periods of time, as it will give him a safe and familiar place to relax in.

No matter where you decide to let your dog sleep, make sure that you always provide him with love, attention, and plenty of fresh water. And most importantly, fun!

Where should my new dog sleep at night?

A new puppy should sleep in the same room as you for the first night or two so that he can get used to your scent and feel safe.

Thereafter, you can choose to let him sleep wherever he prefers – inside or outside, with a bed or in a crate.

Just make sure that he always has access to fresh water and is protected from the elements.

Is it okay to let my dog sleep outside?

It is perfectly fine to let your dog sleep outside as long as he has plenty of shelter from the sun or rain and access to fresh water at all times.

If you have a fenced-in yard, this is a great place for him to sleep. Just be sure that your dog has a nice, comfortable bed and plenty of toys to keep him entertained during the day.

At what age can I let my dog sleep with me?

Some people choose to let their dog sleep with them in bed from the moment they bring him home. Others prefer to wait until their dog is older and has been house-trained.

It’s up to you to decide when your dog feels ready to sleep in your bed, but make sure that he always has his own safe and comfortable place to relax.

Should dogs sleep in your bed at night?

It’s up to you and your dog whether or not he sleeps in your bed. Some people like having their pup close by, while others prefer giving him his own space to relax in.

If you do choose to co-sleep with your dog, make sure that he has a comfortable place to sleep and doesn’t hog the blankets!

Advantages of Sleeping with Your Dog

There are a few advantages to letting your dog sleep with you.

  1. Your dog will feel safe and secure being near you;
  2. You will save on bedding, as your dog will naturally keep the bed warm;
  3. Dogs often have a calming effect, which can help you sleep better;
  4. You can keep an eye on your dog throughout the night.

Sleeping with your dog can increase the bond between you and your pet. It can also help your dog feel more comfortable and safe in your home and prevent him from feeling alone or isolated.

Why you shouldn’t sleep with your dog?

There are some dangers of sleeping with a dog in your bed. Here are some reasons why your dog shouldn’t sleep in the bed.

Allergic to Dogs

If you or your children are allergic to dogs, sleeping with a dog in bed can make the allergy worse.

Chemicals and Paraites

Dogs can bring in outside chemicals on their fur that could potentially make you ill.

There are also parasites like ticks and fleas that can be transferred from your pet to you.

You can hurt or crush your dog

If you roll over on your dog in your sleep, you could potentially hurt him or crush him. You don’t want to sleep with your dog if you are a restless sleeper!

Aggressive behavior while sleeping

If your dog is not well behaved at night, it might not be a good idea to have him in bed with you.

If your dog growls, bites, or even scratches someone while sleeping, he probably shouldn’t sleep in the bed.

Some dogs become grouchy or make sudden movements when they are asleep. If you sleep with your dog and he snaps at you, it could cause serious injury!

Dogs disturb your sleep

Dogs can often be disruptive by snoring, getting up to go to the bathroom, or stealing the covers.

Interrupted sleep cycles may lead to chronic sleep deprivation, which can affect your work performance in the long term. If you want to have a good night’s sleep, it’s best to keep your dog in his bed.

Where Should My Dog Sleep at Night Time? Photo of a dog sleeping in its owner's bed with a teddy bear.

Should I put my dog in a crate at night time?

Dogs often need some peace and quiet, especially at night. Many people choose to put their dogs in a crate while they sleep as it provides them with both comfort and safety while keeping them out of trouble.

Just make sure that the crate is big enough for your dog to stand up, turn around, and stretch out without feeling too cramped.

You should avoid crating your dog if he is suffering from separation anxiety, which can worsen the problem. Crate training can be a great way to help your dog overcome this anxiety.

If you consider crating your dog, consult with a veterinarian or animal behaviorist to see if it is the right decision for your pet.

Where should you crate your dog?

You should place your dog’s crate somewhere where he can see you and feel a part of your family, but avoid placing it away from drafts, noise sources like laundry machines, or heaters.

You should also place a soft blanket and towel in his box for comfort.

Crate vs. Dog Beds for Sleeping

It can be a little confusing trying to decide whether you should crate your dog or let him sleep in his own bed. There are pros and cons of both options.

Crate Pros

  • Can provide comfort by creating a den-like atmosphere, since dogs are den animals;
  • Provides security for the dog;
  • Easier to monitor your dog.

Dog Bed Pros

  • Able to easily move around;
  • Provides comfort, warmth which can be beneficial for older dogs or dogs with health problems;
  • Some dogs feel safer sleeping in their bed.

Crate Cons

  • Not always comfortable for some dogs;
  • Doesn’t provide warmth as a bed would;
  • Difficult to move around;
  • Your dog needed to be crate trained.

Dog Bed Cons

  • Dogs can often chew up their beds;
  • It may not be as secure as a crate.

The best solution is to try both options and see which one your dog prefers. Some dogs will be happy sleeping in their bed, while others will feel more secure in a crate. As long as your dog is safe and comfortable, it doesn’t matter where he sleeps!

How to make your dog crate comfortable

If you decide to crate your dog, there are a few things you can do to make the crate more comfortable.

  • Place a soft blanket or towel on top of the crate;
  • Place a dog bed and a blanket inside the crate;
  • Put a few chew toys in the crate to keep your dog occupied;
  • Make sure the crate is big enough for your dog to stand up;
  • You should also make sure to find a safe location for your dog’s crate.

Making your dog’s crate comfortable will help him feel more at ease and encourage him to use it as a place of refuge.

Should my dog sleep in the bedroom?

Whether it is a good idea or not to let your dog sleep in the bedroom in a crate or not, depends on a number of factors. If your dog is not well behaved or gets into trouble during the night, it might be best to keep him out of the bedroom.

If your dog is suffering from separation anxiety, it is probably best not to allow him to sleep in the bedroom. This can make the problem worse, and you will both get very little sleep!

If your dog is older or has health problems, it might be more beneficial for him if he sleeps nearby.

However, if your dog does sleep in the bedroom and doesn’t cause problems at night, there are no real downsides to this. Your dog will feel more part of the family and will be close to you during the night.

Some dogs may need more space or privacy than others, and some breeds may be more prone to barking or other disruptive behavior at night. If you are unsure whether it is a good idea to let your dog sleep in the bedroom, ask your veterinarian or animal behaviorist for their professional advice.

Some Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about dog sleep at night time.

Should a dog sleep downstairs?

There is no right or wrong answer to this question, as it depends on the individual dog and his personality. Some dogs feel more secure sleeping downstairs, while others prefer to be close to their family.

Why do dogs like to sleep at your feet?

If your dog sleeps at your feet, it means they feel safe and secure in your presence. This is a behavior that dogs have developed as they were domesticated by humans over many years.

Should I take my dog’s collar off at night?

There is no harm in leaving a dog’s collar on at night as long as it is comfortable. Some dogs can become anxious if they feel their collar tightening, so it might be a good idea to take it off if this is the case.

Why won’t my dog sleep with me on the bed?

Many dogs will not sleep on the bed with their owners because they feel it is important to maintain their position of dominance. If your dog doesn’t feel comfortable sleeping on the bed, try putting his bed next to yours instead.

Does my dog need a dog bed?

Every dog needs a dog bed. But, sometimes, dogs prefer to sleep on the floor instead of on their dog bed. This does not mean you shouldn’t buy your dog a bed – it just means he might not use it all the time. Try a few different types of dog beds until you find one your dog prefers.

Should my dog sleep on the couch?

There is no harm in letting your dog sleep on the couch, but it is not recommended. Dogs that sleep on the couch can start to expect this as their regular sleeping spot and may have trouble transitioning to their own bed when you want them to.

Dogs that sleep on the couch can develop other bad habits. It is better to provide your dog with his own designated sleeping space, such as a crate or comfortable bed.

Do dogs sleep better in the dark?

Dogs do not necessarily sleep better in the dark. Some dogs prefer complete darkness, while others like to have a little bit of light in the room. Experiment with different levels of darkness to see which increases your dog’s sleeping duration and quality.

Should I ignore my dog crying at night?

If you hear your dog crying, do not ignore it. Your dog may be lonely or in pain and does not know how to deal with these feelings by himself. If you are worried that he is experiencing separation anxiety, seek professional help.

What time should a dog go to bed?

Your dog’s specific bedtime will depend on his age, personality, and energy levels. It is usually best to put all dogs to bed around the same time, but with some flexibility depending on your individual dog’s needs.


In conclusion, it is essential to provide your dog with a comfortable and safe place to sleep at night.

Consider where you think will be the best fit for your pet and make sure they have everything they need to rest easy.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, consult your veterinarian.

Photo of author
Andre Neves

Hi, I'm Andre and I'm the owner of Sula the Border Collie. I love writing about this amazing dog breed here. I joined the Council to be able to reach and educate more people on the joy of having a pet dog.