My Dog Ate Gum: Should I Take Him To The Veterinarian

My dog ate gum. Photo of a dog laying down near to chewing gum.

Many people know that dogs will eat anything. Your pup may have eaten gum for one of many reasons, including boredom, curiosity or to soothe their stomach.

If you notice your dog starting to act strange, whether vomiting or drooling, you should take them to the vet as soon as possible!

What Happens if a Dog Eats Gum?

Any time a dog eats an item that is not meant to be ingested, they can become sick. If a dog has eaten chewing gum, the following symptoms may arise:

  • Drooling;
  • Gagging;
  • Vomiting.

These symptoms of toxicity indicate that your dog has eaten something poisonous, so it is important to take them to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

In the case of chewing gum, the poison is Xylitol, an ingredient found in most chewing gums. It is lethal to dogs and can cause the following:

  • Low blood sugar levels;
  • Weakness;
  • Lethargy;
  • Seizures.

And, if untreated, it can be lethal for your pup. If you notice these symptoms, then take them to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Dangers of gum to dogs

There are other dangers of gum to dogs besides poisoning. Some dogs have choked on gum, especially if it has been wedged into their throats. Gum can also get stuck in a dog’s intestines, leading to an intestinal blockage.

Can Gum Kill Dogs?

Chewing gum, especially sugar-free chewing gum, can be dangerous for your dog. Xylitol is an artificial sweetener and sugar substitute that can be found in some gums and other foods. If your pet eats too much Xylitol, it could lead to fatal poisoning.

How much gum kills a dog?

It is difficult to say how much gum will kill a dog, as it depends on the size and weight of the dog and the amount of gum consumed. But, any amount of gum can be harmful to your pup, so it is best to keep them away from it altogether.

What to do if your dog ate gum

If you have noticed that your dog has eaten chewing gum, there are a few things you should do right away.

Firstly, you should remove all the gum from their mouth. If they have swallowed it all, then you should take them to the veterinarian right away.

You should also monitor your dog for any poisoning symptoms, including drooling or vomiting. You should also monitor their energy levels and watch their behavior for any signs of discomfort.

And if they have a piece of gum stuck in their throats, you should try to remove it as quickly as possible so that they do not choke on it. However, if removing the gum will cause them further harm, then you should take them to the veterinarian right away.

In short, if your dog has eaten gum, you should take them to the veterinarian as soon as possible. The symptoms of gum poisoning can be deadly, so it is important to seek veterinary care immediately if you think your dog has eaten any.

Getting It Out of Your Dog’s System

If your dog has eaten gum, the vet will induce vomiting to get it out of their system. They may also give them activated charcoal, which is a liquid that binds to poisons in the stomach and intestines. This prevents them from being absorbed into your pup’s system.

How Much Xylitol is needed to harm a dog?

According to the ASPCA, as little as 0.05 grams per pound of body weight (0.1 grams per kilogram of body weight) is the dose to poison a dog, and this is roughly half of one piece of gum.

However, most pieces of gum contain 0.5 grams or more, which is a potentially toxic dose, enough to cause serious problems in your pup’s system.

If untreated, Xylitol poisoning can lead to liver failure, seizures, and even death. So it is important to take your dog to the veterinarian immediately if you think they have eaten any gum.

Can a dog recover from xylitol poisoning?

If you act quickly, then your dog can recover from Xylitol poisoning. It should be treated by a veterinarian right away to prevent further complications like liver failure.

However, if left untreated for too long (over 10 hours), it can lead to severe consequences that include death.

Factors influencing the severity of Xylitol on dogs

Some dogs may experience more severe symptoms than others because of many factors that influence the severity of Xylitol toxicity on dogs, including:


Their age can be a factor in how severely they are poisoned by Xylitol. Puppies and elderly dogs are more at risk for severe symptoms.

Size and weight

The larger and heavier the dog, the more Xylitol it will take to poison them. This is because larger dogs have a stronger body mass, which can strengthen their tolerance of Xylitol.


Dogs that are already ill or have a weakened immune system are more likely to experience severe symptoms from xylitol poisoning.

How much he ate

The amount of gum your dog ate will also play a role in how severe their symptoms are. The more gum they eat, the more poison they ingest and the worse their symptoms will

Already chewed gum or unchewed gum

If the gum has already been chewed, it will release less xylitol poison into your dog’s system. However, if your dog swallows the chewed gum, they will still be at risk for poisoning.

Sugar-Free Gum

Not all sugar-free gum contains Xylitol, but since Xylitol is a sweetener, sugar-free gums may contain more of it. So if your dog ate sugar-free gum, they will be at a higher risk for poisoning.

How to know if the gum contains Xylitol?

To know if the gum your dog has eaten contains Xylitol and how much it contains, you need to read the label on the package. Xylitol is usually listed as an ingredient, so check the ingredients list on your dog’s gum. If it contains Xylitol, contact your vet or an emergency veterinary clinic immediately.

Can a dog survive Xylitol?

Yes, a dog can survive Xylitol if it is treated right away by a veterinarian. The earlier the treatment, the better the prognosis for your pup. But, prevention is the best treatment.

Xylitol poisoning treatment

Xylitol is a poison to dogs with no antidote. The only way to treat it is by giving them activated charcoal liquids, which induce vomiting and inhibits Xylitol from entering their system.

Giving intravenous (IV) fluids and other treatments for vomiting, diarrhea, and/or hyperactivity may be necessary, as well as some medications to protect the liver.

Your veterinarian will also want to monitor your dog’s blood sugar levels and liver function for several days after ingestion.

How long does xylitol poisoning last in dogs?

The most severe cases of xylitol poisoning can be fatal, so it is important to treat your dog right away. If your pup receives treatment within 10 hours of the Xylitol ingestion. In that case, they have a great chance of recovering from their symptoms.

In most cases, the symptoms will disappear in 24-48 hours without any further complications. However, in some cases, the dog may experience liver failure and will require lifelong treatment.

How to prevent your dog from eating gum?

The best way to treat xylitol poisoning is to prevent it from happening in the first place.

Keep your dog away from any gum, especially sugar-free gum, and be sure to read the labels of all products before giving them to your dog.

If you have any doubt about whether a product contains Xylitol, it is best not to use it and keep your dog away from it for safety’s sake.

Other Poisonous Ingredients in Gum?

There are other ingredients in gum besides Xylitol that can be hazardous to your dog.

Aspartame is toxic to dogs, causing brain damage and other neurological problems. Sorbitol is also poisonous if too much of it is eaten by your pup. The artificial sweetener Sucralose can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and intestinal blockages in dogs, while the chemical BHT or Butylated hydroxytoluene can cause a dog’s red blood cells to break down.

If you think your dog has ingested any amount of poisonous ingredients in gum, contact your veterinarian or Pet Poison Helpline by calling 1-855-213-6680 immediately.


Gum is not only a choking hazard for dogs, but it also contains several harmful ingredients that can poison your pup.

If you think your dog has eaten gum, contact your veterinarian or an emergency veterinary clinic immediately.

Treatment is available, but prevention is the best treatment. Keep your dog away from all gum products to avoid any potential poisoning.

Photo of author
Andre Neves

Hi, I'm Andre and I'm the owner of Sula the Border Collie. I love writing about this amazing dog breed here. I joined the Council to be able to reach and educate more people on the joy of having a pet dog.