Why Is My French Bulldog Eating Poop?

French Bulldog Eating Poop. Photo of a fawn French Bulldog pooping on the grass.

I know, I know. It’s gross. But believe it or not, lots of French Bulldogs eat their own poop. And before you go getting all judgy on me, there’s a good reason for it! This article is going to explore the reasons why is your French Bulldog eating poop and offer some tips on how to get your pup to stop eating poop once and for all. Sound good? Keep reading!

There are many potential reasons why your French Bulldog may be eating poop, and most of them are not cause for alarm. Some of the most common reasons include dietary deficiencies, boredom, anxiety or stress, and parasites.

Is it common for French bulldogs to eat poop?

If you have a French Bulldog, chances are good that you’ve caught him or her in the act of snacking on some not-so-appetizing leftovers. While this may disgust and horrify some pet parents, it’s actually a relatively common behavior among French Bulldogs and many other dog breeds.

It is a condition called coprophagia, and there are a few different theories as to why dogs do this, but the prevailing theory is that they do it because they’re trying to get additional nutrients that they’re not getting from their regular diet.

Dogs who are fed a high-quality diet typically won’t eat poop, but those who are fed a low-quality diet (or who are scavenging for food) may turn to feces as a way of supplementing their diets.

Reasons why your French Bulldog is eating poop

While there are many reasons why your Frenchie might be eating poop, the good news is that there are also many solutions. Here are some common reasons French Bulldogs eat poop.

Dietary deficiencies

One of the most common reasons French Bulldogs eat poop is because they’re not getting enough of the nutrients they need from their diet. This is often the case with puppies who are still growing and developing, as they have higher nutritional needs than adult dogs.

If your French Bulldog is eating poop, talk to your veterinarian about switching him to higher quality food that is designed for growing puppies or for French Bulldogs with sensitive stomachs. You may also want to consider adding a supplement to his diet.


Another common reason French Bulldogs eat poop is simply that they’re bored. French Bulldogs are high-energy dogs who need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy. If your French Bulldog isn’t getting enough exercise or attention. In that case, he may start looking for ways to entertain himself – even if that means eating poop.

Wants attention

In some cases, French Bulldogs may eat poop as a way of getting attention from their owners. This is more likely to be the case if your dog only eats poop when you’re around or if he seems to be doing it to get a rise out of you.

If you think this is the reason your French Bulldog is eating poop, the solution is simple: give him more attention! Spend more time playing with him, taking him on more walks, and making sure he feels like a valued family member.

Anxiety or stress

French Bulldogs can be prone to anxiety and stress, which can lead to a number of different behavioral problems – including eating poop. If your Frenc Bulldog is eating poop, it’s possible that he’s doing it because he’s stressed out or anxious.

If you think this may be the case, talk to your veterinarian about ways to help your French Bulldog relax and feel more comfortable. This may include adding supplements to his diet, providing him with a safe space in your home, and/or teaching him some calming exercises.


Parasites are a common cause of French Bulldogs eating poop. Since parasites take all the food your pup is eating and leave them with very little nutrition, they may start to eat their own poop in order to get the nutrients they need. If you think your dog may have parasites, take them to the vet for a check-up.

Cushing’s disease

Cushing’s disease (aka hyperadrenocorticism) is another condition that can increase your French Bulldog’s appetite and in many cases, Frenchies eat poop to satisfy their hunger.

Thyroid problems

Thyroid problems can also lead French Bulldogs to eat poop. This is because the thyroid is responsible for regulating metabolism, and when it’s not functioning properly, your French Bulldog’s metabolism can become abnormal – leading to increased hunger and, in some cases, coprophagia.

To hide the poop

Your Frenchie may be trying to hide his poop from you by eating it. French Bulldogs are notoriously difficult to potty train, and some may eat their poop in an attempt to avoid getting into trouble.

If you think this is the reason your French Bulldog is eating poop. In that case, the solution is to be consistent with your potty training efforts and to use positive reinforcement rather than punishment.

He is simply hungry

Another common reason French Bulldogs eat poop is that they’re simply always hungry. If you think your French Bulldog is eating poop because he’s always hungry, talk to your veterinarian about increasing his food intake. You may also want to consider giving him smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day.

French Bulldogs may eat poop for a variety of reasons, most of which are not cause for alarm. Whatever the reason French Bulldogs eat poop, the important thing is to talk to your vet to rule out any underlying health problems and to find a solution that works for you and your pup.

Does pineapple stop dogs from eating poop?

There is some speculation that pineapple might help stop dogs from eating their own poop, but there is not much scientific evidence to support this claim. Some people believe that the enzymes in pineapple can help break down the fecal matter and make it less palatable to the dog.

However, since every dog is different, it’s best to consult with your veterinarian to see if feeding your dog pineapple is a good idea for your particular situation.

Should I worry about my French Bulldog eating poop?

Yes, you should worry about your French Bulldog eating poop. Dogs often eat poop because they think it’s food. When dogs eat poop, they can get sick and even die. The best way to prevent your dog from eating poop is to keep him away from it.

If you see him start to eat it, stop him immediately. It’s also important to keep your dog’s area clean and free of feces, so he doesn’t have the opportunity to eat it.

How do I get my French Bulldog to stop eating poop?

There are a few things you can do to try and stop the behavior. These include changing their diet, providing more exercise and stimulation, and using an anti-anxiety medication or supplement.

Exercise and stimulation

Dogs who are bored or not getting enough exercise are more likely to eat poop. This is because they’re looking for something to do, and they think eating poop is a fun activity.

To stop your French Bulldog from eating poop, make sure he’s getting enough exercise and stimulation. Take him on walks, play with him, and give him plenty of toys to keep him occupied.

Anti-anxiety medication

If your French Bulldog is eating poop because he’s anxious or stressed, you may want to talk to your veterinarian about using an anti-anxiety medication or supplement. This can help to calm him down and may stop the behavior.

Well-balanced and nutritional diet

Dogs who eat a well-balanced and nutritional diet are less likely to eat poop. This is because they’re getting all the nutrients they need, and they don’t feel the need to eat anything else.

If you’re concerned about your French Bulldog’s diet, talk to your veterinarian about what food is best for him. You may also want to consider switching to high-quality dog food that is designed to meet all of your dog’s nutritional needs.

Nutritional supplements

If your French Bulldog is eating poop because he’s not getting enough nutrients. In that case, you may want to talk to your veterinarian about giving him a nutritional supplement. This can help to make sure he’s getting all the nutrients he needs and may stop the behavior. Vitamin B-12 supplements are often recommended for dogs who eat poop.

Use taste deterrent products

There are a variety of taste deterrent products on the market that can make poop taste bad to dogs. These products usually contain ingredients like chili pepper or lemon juice, which can make the poop unappealing to your French Bulldog.

You can also try to spry your dog’s stool with white vinegar or apple cider vinegar. Some dogs seem to dislike the taste of these products and will avoid eating stool that has been sprayed with them.

Train your Frenchie not to eat poop

You can train your dog not to eat poop by teaching him the “leave it” command. This basic obedience command tells your dog to leave something alone.

To do this, put some food on the ground and say, “leave it.” If your dog tries to eat the food, say “no” and put the food away. Repeat this process until your dog learns that he should leave the food alone.

Remember only reward good behavior and never punish your dog for bad behavior. Your dog will eventually learn the “leave it” command if you’re consistent with your training.

Quickly clean up their poop

If you don’t want your French Bulldog to eat poop, you need to quickly clean up their stool. The best way to do this is to use a dog poop scooper. This will help to remove the stool from their environment and make it less likely that they’ll eat it.

You should also regularly clean your dog’s area to make sure there is no feces left behind.

Keep an eye on bad digestion

One of the reasons your Frenchie might eat poop is because he can’t digest his food properly. This can be caused by several different things, such as food intolerance, an infection, or parasites.

If you think your dog’s bad digestion is causing him to eat poop, talk to your veterinarian. They will be able to run some tests to determine the cause and recommend the best course of treatment.

Keep them on a leash while walking

If you’re worried about your French Bulldog eating poop while on a walk, you can keep them on a leash. This will help to prevent them from getting to the stool before you have a chance to clean it up.


There are a number of different reasons why your French Bulldog might be eating poop.

In most cases, the behavior can be stopped with some simple changes, such as switching to high-quality dog food or training your dog not to eat poop. However, in some cases, the behavior may be caused by a medical condition and will require veterinary treatment.

Talk to your veterinarian if you’re having trouble getting your French Bulldog to stop eating poop. They will be able to help you find a solution that works for both you and your dog.

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Sara Santos

Writer, Editor and member of the Council, I am a dog person and I thrive to get the answers that will help you provide the best care a dog can have. You can also find me on my personal blog here.