Do Border Collies Bark a Lot? Facts On How Much Do They Bark

Do Border Collies Bark a Lot? Photo of a Border Collie barking.

One of the most common problems with Border collies is that they tend to bark a lot, but it’s not always for the same reasons.

There are many reasons why Border Collies might be barking, and some of them can be easily fixed with training or environmental changes.

Let’s explore some of the most common reasons for excessive barking, as well as ways to stop barking altogether!

Are Border Collies Barkers?

The Border Collie is not an incredibly noisy dog breed, but compared to other breeds, they bark more than others.

This is because barking has been bred into them for generations, and it’s their instinct to bark when herding sheep.

So, yes, Border Collies can be considered barkers, which can be one of their worst habits.

Reasons why your Border Collie might bark (triggers)

There are several different types of Border Collie barking. They can be separated into 3 distinct categories:

  • Excited and playful;
  • Defensive and alerting (you should take this seriously);
  • Excessive barking (that could be a sign of an anxiety disorder or separation anxiety).

The first two cases – excited playfulness and defensive/alerting barking – can be considered normal behavior. You don’t need to do anything about it. Accept the fact that your dog’s breed is a barking one (and they’re smart!).

However, excessive barking can become problematic very quickly. It makes living with these dogs hard, and it might lead to separation anxiety or even neighborhood complaints.

Let’s explore some of the most common Border Collie to be barking causes:

Barking for attention

Border Collies are a social breed, and they love being around their owners. However, barking for attention is not a healthy way to get it.

If your dog barks excessively to try and get your attention, you need to implement a training program that will teach them a better way of getting what they want from you.

Barking for defense or alerting

Dogs are also known for barking to alert their owners that there is danger present. Border Collies will bark to defend themselves or alert you to a problem. So these cues must be taken seriously and investigated right away!

Barking for excitement

Excitement is another common cause of barking. Dogs get excited when they see other dogs or their owner returns home. They can also be happy for no apparent reason and might bark because of it.

So, you might want to try some obedience training if your Border Collie barks excessively in excitement or playfulness!

Barking at Birds

Birds can be a big problem for Border Collies. They constantly chase them and bark at them, so it can become an obsession of theirs.

This is mostly due to instinct rather than being trained to react this way, but you will have to train your dog not to bark at birds, or they will drive you both crazy!

Barking at Cats

Cats are another problem

for Border Collies since they are natural prey. This can drive your dog crazy, so you might have to train them not to get fixated on cats.

Barking at other dogs

Since barking has been bred into the breed for generations, it’s possible that your Border Collie will bark excessively when meeting new dogs.

Reasons Your Border Collie Puppy is Barking

A puppy might also bark when there is nothing wrong. Young dogs usually bark when they are playing or trying to get someone’s attention.

This is perfectly normal, and you should ignore it unless it becomes excessive, in which case the problem needs to be dealt with before it gets out of control!

Border Collie Puppy Barking at night

It’s also common for Border Collie puppies to bark at night. This usually happens because they are excited about something and need to release some energy.

You should ignore this type of barking, but you can take your puppy outside or play with them if it is excessive, so they calm down before bedtime.

Border Collie Puppy Barking at Strangers

Border Collie puppies might also bark at strangers because they are excited to see new people. They usually learn not to do this when their owners start training them at a later age, but if your dog is still a puppy, you might need to teach it how to greet strangers the right way!

How to stop a border collie from barking

Getting your Border Collie to stop barking may not be an easy task depending on why your Border collie is barking in the first place.

There are several techniques to help your Border Collie stop barking, including;

Stop barking for attention

To stop your Border collie barking for attention, ignore them when they bark and reward them with treats when they are quiet.

If the problem is boredom, then providing your pet with plenty of exercise will help.

You can also explore high-tech methods like bark interruption devices that use sound or vibration to interrupt barking at home to stop your border collie barking.

Teach your dog basic commands for when you’re at home and outside, such as ‘sit,’ ‘stay,’ or ‘shh.’

Praise your Border Collie when it doesn’t bark for a long period of time as this will teach them that they do not get attention for barking.

Stop defense barking

To stop defense barking, you should train your border collie to sit, stay, or come when called. This will allow them to respond right away instead of barking for an extended period of time.

If your dog is barking to alert you about something, distract them with treats, so they start focusing on you and stop barking.

This reinforces the behavior that they do not bark when there is a stranger in the house. It becomes associated with positive reinforcement such as treats and praise rather than barking.

Stop excitement barking

To stop excitement barking, you will need to continue playing with your dog or giving them a chase. If they start barking, stop running and make it boring.

If that doesn’t work, ignore the behavior as much as possible and only engage when it is quiet. This will ensure that you are rewarding your Border Collie for good behavior rather than bad.

Train your dog to respond to commands such as “sit,” “stay,” or “no” so that they can obey you before barking. This will reduce the chances of getting them into trouble for barking when there is nothing wrong.

Does lemon juice stop a dog from barking?

One of the most popular home remedies to stop a dog barking is by putting lemon juice in the dog’s mouth.

So does this really work? The answer is no! It actually doesn’t work at all!

Placing lemon juice in your dog’s mouth will not make it stop barking. However, there are techniques you can use to help your dog stop barking.

Using positive reinforcement techniques, like clicker training, is the best way to stop Border Collie barking.

As well as using treats and love, you can teach your Border Collie to do tricks for a nice quiet reward!

What does continuous dog barking mean?

Continuous dog barking can sometimes be a sign of separation anxiety.

Separation anxiety in dogs is when your Border Collie gets extremely anxious when left alone. This causes them to constantly bark, whine and howl until you return home.

Some dogs get so worked up they start to injure themselves or cause damage around the house while looking for you.

Many dogs can suffer from separation anxiety if they have been left alone for long periods and haven’t been introduced to being home alone properly.

In this case, it’s best to speak with your vet or a dog behaviorist. Treating separation anxiety is a serious issue that requires the help of professionals!


Border Collies are generally very well-behaved dogs. They tend to do what is asked of them and listen to commands. However, sometimes things don’t go the way you want, especially when your Border collie starts barking excessively.

They bark when they need to get your attention when they’re bored or lonely, and even when they feel threatened.

It can be frustrating, but there are some simple things you can do that will get results!

Photo of author
Andre Neves

Hi, I'm Andre and I'm the owner of Sula the Border Collie. I love writing about this amazing dog breed here. I joined the Council to be able to reach and educate more people on the joy of having a pet dog.