Can Dogs Eat Ginger Root? Raw, Dried, or Cooked? (Explained)

Can Dogs Eat Ginger Root? Photo of a dog looking to ginger root and licking his lips.

Ginger is a popular ingredient in everything from baking to meals, and you might feel as though your dog may love it as much as you do! But, can dogs eat ginger? Here’s what you need to know about ginger for dogs.

Yes, dogs can eat ginger. In small doses, ginger is a healthy option for a dog’s diet since it can help treat nausea, bloat and even help reduce inflammation in dogs with arthritis.

Below, you’ll learn about the health benefits of ginger for dogs, information on dosing, and potentially dangerous side effects!

Why is ginger good for dogs?

Ginger is good for dogs because it provides many health benefits, such as nutrients, minerals and antioxidants that they often lack in their regular diet.

It also can give them all sorts of benefits that can be great for puppies, adults, and seniors alike. Some of the best benefits include:

  • Fights nausea and stomach issues
  • Prevents, reduces, and treats bloat
  • It’s anti-inflammatory
  • It improves blood circulation
  • It can treat heartworm
  • It can help slow the rate and kill cancer cells

Suppose your dog has a sensitive stomach and is prone to stomach issues, for instance. In that case, ginger is a great additive to consider, and it can help potential stomach issues in their tracks, prevent motion sickness when traveling by car or plane, and give your dog some digestive system support, too.

For those dogs prone to joint issues or are seniors that are starting to feel their age, ginger is one of the best natural remedies! Helping ease inflammation throughout the body and promote easier movement, they’ll give your dog some of his bounce back!

Ginger improves your dog’s blood pressure as well as his respiratory system. It helps ease any breathing issues that could be coming up, particularly for older dogs.

Ginger is also going to be helpful to help catch heartworm before it becomes a problem. It’s a common way to help treat an already flaring infection, making it suitable for a fast-working and safe alternative! 

Sadly, many dog breeds are predisposed to cancer. Ginger is a wonderful option for those who want to slow the growth of cancer cells and even help kill them. Ginger is a great cancer treatment and preventative ingredient.

Will my dog like ginger?

It is a great question! Dogs tend to like everything, right? Exactly. The thing is, ginger is a very strong-flavored food that may take some time to get used to, even for your dog and his large, versatile stomach.

Dogs naturally have sensitive stomachs, and too much spicy ginger may be overpowering for them until they get used to it.

If you have now started to feed your dog ginger, do it in small servings so that he can get used to it and learn to love it as much as you do.

Why does my dog love ginger?

On the other hand, if you notice that your dog loves ginger, you might have to watch the portion size he eats carefully (more on that later)!

Many experts believe that dogs love ginger because they know that it’s helpful for them. Similar to how many dogs enjoy eating grass.

Dogs also can love ginger because it is a great way to spice up their meals. Since it has a distinctive smell, they enjoy its smell as much as the taste. If your dog loves ginger, you’ll find it much easier to add to a dog’s diet.

Can dogs eat raw ginger root?

Yes, you can let your dog eat the raw ginger root. Just be careful of your portioning. It isn’t poisonous or too strong or rich for your dog to enjoy.

The only thing to remember is that ginger root is very dense, so it may get stuck in your dog’s throat or stomach and cause some intestinal issues. When feeding your dog the root itself, cut it up into tiny pieces.

How to feed ginger to a dog

If you’re looking to feed your dog ginger, you’ll be happy to know that there are a few ways that you can do it!

Pick one that best matches your preferences and don’t forget to factor in convenience, too! Some of the most popular include:

  • Small cubed pieces of ginger root;
  • Ginger powder sprinkled over dog food;
  • Ginger tea;
  • Capsules or tablets;
  • Tinctures or extracts.

If you want to feed your dog ginger but he doesn’t like the taste or smell, you’ll find that capsules or tablets are the best way. Possibly tinctures or extracts, too.

If your dog does enjoy ginger, though, you’ll be fine with cubes, powder, or tea.

If you want to give your dog ginger tea, keep the following things in mind. For every cup of boiled water, add no more than one teaspoon of ground ginger. Also, don’t give your dog more than two cups of tea per day.

Can ginger be bad for dogs?

By itself, ginger is actually good for dogs, as you’ve learned. But not all ginger is going to be safe. For example, gingerbread is dangerous for dogs, but it’s the nutmeg that makes it dangerous rather than the ginger.

Sometimes ginger blend tea can be dangerous for dogs, but it’s because other ingredients in the tea can cause a problem for them. 

Ginger can kill dogs, but this is only if something else with the ginger causes a problem or if they’ve had too much at one time.

Difference between actual ginger and baked ginger?

The best example is the actual ginger root versus ginger flavoring! Genuine ginger is healthy and safe for your dog to eat.

However, baked or simulated ginger is not strong enough, and thus, it doesn’t give any nutritional advantages. Besides, ginger in combination with other spices or ingredients can harm your dog.

When you consider feeding ginger to your dog, make sure it’s natural ginger and not simulated!

How much ginger is too much for dogs?

You’ll be happy to know that the math for ginger portioning for your dog is going to be relatively simple!

You can feed your dog between 10-25mg (less than an ounce) per pound of body weight. So, if your dog is 50 lbs (22.6 kg), you can feed him between 500-1250 mg (up to 0.044 oz) per day and know that you are keeping him within the proper range.

If you aren’t sure of the math, it’s best to always check with your vet and have them determine what a safe amount is for your dog.

Photo of a table full of ginger root.

Side effects of too much ginger in dogs

If you’ve accidentally given your dog too much ginger, there are a few negative effects that you may notice in him.

Firstly, he may not have an interest in ginger in the future. If he had too much, the flavor and its spice might be too strong for him, and he may not want to have any in the future.

One possible complication could be an allergy or a sensitivity. If your dog had too much for its body size, it might make it hypersensitive in the future. It is usual for humans, too! You’ll want to watch for signs of hypersensitivity.

The other concerning issue for dogs is that it can thin their blood, which will mean your dog has a hard time clotting if he ever needs to when injured.

If your dog is on blood thinners or has a blood disorder, you shouldn’t give him ginger until you talk to your vet!

In Conclusion

Ginger is loaded with nutrients and minerals and can help treat common health concerns in dogs, including bloat, heartworm disease, and arthritis!

Dogs can safely eat ginger in the right portions with no danger, and enjoy it for many health benefits. Just make sure you know what form to give him and how much to give him at a time!

Know someone who loves giving their dog human treats? You’ll want to share this with them!

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Sara Santos

Writer, Editor and member of the Council, I am a dog person and I thrive to get the answers that will help you provide the best care a dog can have. You can also find me on my personal blog here.