Is Chalk Toxic To Dogs? (Explained)

Is Chalk Toxic To Dogs? Photo of a dog with chalk sticks

Dogs eat all sorts of random things, much to the horror of humans. If your dog has eaten chalk, you may be wondering if is chalk toxic to dogs! Here’s what you should know.

Inhaling or licking a small amount is generally safe, whereas eating chalk can cause respiratory issues, eye issues, and indigestion.

If your dog has eaten chalk, its potential toxicity will come down to a few consideration factors, including learning what kind of chalk it was, how much your dog ate, and any other pre-existing health conditions that could worsen the chalk’s interaction with your dog’s health.

How poisonous is chalk to dogs?

In 99% of cases, chalk isn’t poisonous to dogs. It’s made for close contact with humans and kids in particular, so it’s made with health and safety in mind. Be it chalkboard chalk, sidewalk chalk, pool chalk, or gym chalk, and most are nontoxic by design.

Sometimes the chalk can contain dangerous additives due to how it’s used. For example, gym chalk can contain sweat and bacteria, both of which are present in the air at the gym. They can then transfer to your dog and cause their immune system to react. 

Sidewalk chalk can also pick up bacteria and bird poop, amongst other things, so this will then transfer to your dog in much the same way. 

It’s a little gross when you think about it since most of us don’t even think about things like that when we look at using, or interacting with, chalk!

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Can chalk kill a dog?

Unless your dog has happened to find the one box of outdated chalk that contains lead, chalk won’t kill your dog through poison. Since it’s designed for kids and/or close contact, strict safety regulations are met for chalk.

Chalk can occasionally cause breathing blockages, however, either through the inhaled dust or through clumps of the chalk itself getting lodged in the throat since dogs don’t tend to chew anything they eat!

In some cases, chalk can kill a dog if those blockages get too strong or severe for your dog to breathe correctly. This should be just like any other emergency where you’ll need a vet or another trained specialist to clear their airways and help them breathe again! Watching your dog for breathing problems after eating chalk is an excellent idea to help spot a potential breathing risk as quickly as possible.

Is sidewalk chalk safe for dogs?

In most cases, sidewalk chalk is safe for dogs. It’s designed for kids to use, so the colorants and the actual ingredients of the chalk tend to be safe for kids and dogs for that reason. If your dog rolls in the sidewalk chalk, licks it, or eats it up, they will most likely be fine.

The more they ingest, the more likely they will react, though, so you won’t want to encourage them to eat it! Dogs have sensitive stomachs, so it doesn’t take much to trigger indigestion, amongst other reactions.

Is Crayola chalk toxic for dogs?

As explained above, Crayola chalk is designed for kids and their safety, so it’s generally safe for dogs. 

My dog ate sidewalk chalk: what do I do?

If your dog is snacking on a piece of sidewalk chalk, you’ll want to remove the rest of it from their reach and get them to spit out what they haven’t already swallowed. Give them access to plenty of cold, fresh water, and start to watch them for symptoms (more on that later).

You can call your vet to let them know what happened, and they may be able to give you some advice or recommend that you bring them in. Make sure to follow whatever advice that they give you!

You’ll want to track how much they ate and how their bathroom, drinking habits, and eating habits are afterward. Also, prepare yourself to run to the vet if you need to, especially by ensuring that you’ve got brand information and ingredients handy!

Is chalk bad for dogs’ fur?

Some people will use chalk to color their dogs’ fur temporarily. This is not a good idea for many reasons, and most vets will caution against it. Dogs will lick the chalk off and ingest it. Secondly, dogs have sensitive skin, so chalk can cause a rash or general discomfort that can require treatment at the vet. 

Perhaps most importantly, you should never use anything to attempt to dye your dog’s fur because their fur is there to protect their skin. If you have questions on temporary dyes, talk to your vet about safe options!

Types of chalk that are bad for dogs

Some chalk types are considered unsafe for dogs, and those are gym chalk and pool chalk. 

Gym chalk is unsafe because it’s loose and designed for athletes to use for grip and/or as odor eaters in some cases. This loose powder means that dogs can inhale a lot of it and eat clumps of it almost instantly. This is more likely to cause a blockage in their airways and cause distress. Then, there’s the risk that we talked about already about bacteria transfer.

Loose chalk can also cause more irritation to their eyes since the dust will cause them to sneeze and have chalk in their eyes for a while.

Pool chalk can also be dangerous for dogs because dogs will eat the entire square of the pool chalk, which will get stuck in their throat easier. Sometimes, the pool cue chalk boxes can be plastic or indigestible material. This can cause indigestion and even an intestinal blockage as it works its way out of their system.

Pool chalk isn’t toxic in most cases, but some older types could contain lead. You’ll want to keep an eye on your dog for symptoms of a problem!

Symptoms to watch for if your dog ate chalk

Speaking of symptoms, what are the symptoms of your dog having a problem with their snack? Some of the main ones to walk for include:

  • Wheezing/struggling for breath
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Watery eyes
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Lack of appetite 

All of these can mean that your dog is either struggling with a blockage in their airways or that they’re irritated by the chalk itself. Vomiting and indigestion mean that your dog could be dealing with difficulty in passing the chalk throughout their system. This is common if your dog’s eaten a lot of it!

If you notice signs like continuing vomiting and lack of appetite, your dog may have a blockage in their intestines. If this is the case, they’ll need to have vet attention sooner rather than later since this is a medical emergency!

Reasons for a dog to eat chalk

Dogs eat things for so many random reasons, but it’s okay if you’re especially confused about chalk. After all, it doesn’t even smell interesting, right? Curiosity is the most common reason for dogs to each chalk — it just looks interesting, so they eat it. Simple logic for a simple, albeit adorable, mind.

Dogs can also eat chalk if they’re bored. If they don’t have toys nearby, they are left alone for hours on end, or they feel restless. Eating chalk may alleviate that for them, even if it seems illogical to us! 

Lastly, there is a condition called pica, where dogs will eat random, pointy things. This is common in dogs but also is present in humans! If you notice that chalk is just one of the random things your dog’s eaten recently, it might be worth a trip to the vet to consider consulting a specialist!

How to prevent a dog from eating chalk

Stopping your dog from eating chalk isn’t going to be hard, though it might take some training of new habits (on both sides). Steps include:

  • Keep chalk out of reach of dogs
  • Store chalk in an airtight container
  • Teach your dog the “drop it” command
  • Give your dog plenty of interesting toys
  • Watch your dog while around chalk sources

Like anything with dogs and their strange (to us) behaviors, keeping control over their unauthorized snacks will be about minimizing the risk, understanding how to get them to stop eating them, and preparing yourself for any potential compilations through information!


In most cases, eating or inhaling a bit of chalk, be it pool chalk, gym chalk, or sidewalk chalk will be harmless. Eating a lot of it can cause breathing issues. Some chalk may carry problems such as bacteria transfer, which can also cause a problem. Understand the risks and how to spot them for your dog’s health benefits!

Chalk isn’t a good snack for dogs, but most of the types in the marketplace aren’t toxic to dogs. However, make sure you understand the risks, how to spot a problem, and when to get help!

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Andre Neves

Hi, I'm Andre and I'm the owner of Sula the Border Collie. I love writing about this amazing dog breed here. I joined the Council to be able to reach and educate more people on the joy of having a pet dog.