Learn All About the Border Collies Teeth (A Care Guide)

Border Collies Teeth. Photo of a Border collie showing his teeth.

Border Collies teeth can be a real pain to take care of. They’re prone to plaque, tartar, and dental disease, which is why it’s important that you brush them regularly.

In this article, we’ll explore border collie teeth and how to properly brush your dog’s teeth and what signs of oral disease look like, and when you should take your border collie to the vet for a dental exam.

You’ll also learn about dental chews that help clean your dog’s teeth while they are chewing!

How many teeth should a border collie have?

An adult Border Collie should have 42 teeth. They’re divided into 20 teeth on the top and 22 teeth on the bottom.

They have four incisors, two canines, eight bicuspids, two premolars, and six molars.

The incisors are the eight front teeth on either side of your border collie’s mouth. These are used for clipping food into small pieces, grooming themselves, and holding prey.

The canines are the long, pointed teeth that are beside your dog’s incisors. The canine teeth are used for holding prey and, in some cases, defense against another animal.

The cuspids are all of the other tiny pointy teeth inside your border collie’s mouth. They’re only found on the top and don’t have a specific function.

The premolars and molars are the last four sets of teeth on either side of your dog’s mouth, and they’re used for grinding food into small bits.

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Do Border Collies have bad teeth?

Since Border Collies are prone to plaque and tartar build-up, they’re likely to have some bad teeth. One of the most noticeable signs of dental disease in dogs is bad breath (halitosis).

Since your border collie’s mouth is full of bacteria, it can lead to plaque, tartar, and gingivitis if you’re not brushing their teeth regularly.

What happens if my dog’s teeth are bad?

If your border collie has dental disease. In that case, it can lead to tooth loss, gum inflammation, and tooth root abscesses, which are very painful. It can also cause kidney damage or even sepsis of the bloodstream due to the bacteria in their mouth.

How do I know if my border collie’s teeth need cleaning?

Some owners, especially new ones, may feel nervous about touching their dog’s mouth, but you shouldn’t be. Your border collie will feel very comfortable with you, and your dog’s life depends on it.

Put your finger on the roof of your dog’s mouth on one side. This will force their lips down slightly, and if they have bad breath, it should be very noticeable.

If there is a strong odor, you should take them to the vet for a dental exam.

To perform an at-home oral exam, stand in front of your border collie and part their lips gently. If there are dirty-looking teeth that need cleaning, then you should brush them at least three times a week.

Are Border Collie’s teeth blunter than other breeds?

Border Collies, in general, have very sharp teeth. You should keep an eye on their incisors because they’re prone to wearing down over time if you don’t brush them regularly.

If your border collie has blunt teeth, your dog is likely grinding their teeth together at night while they’re sleeping.

This can be dangerous if their molars are worn down too much because it will place stress on the rest of your dog’s mouth, which could lead to malformed teeth, loose joints, or even gum disease.

Do Border Collies have sharp teeth?

Border Collies, in general, have very sharp teeth. You should keep an eye on their incisors because they’re prone to wearing down over time if you don’t brush them regularly.

Should you brush border collie teeth?

Yes, if you don’t want your dog to have dental disease, bad breath, and if you’re worried about the condition of your dog’s teeth and gums.

How often should you brush?

You should brush a border collies teeth at least three times a week. The more often you brush your border collies teeth, the better.

How do you brush a Border Collie’s teeth?

You can use a finger toothbrush or canine toothpaste.

You should start by putting a little bit of toothpaste on your finger. Next, you put your border collie between your legs while sitting on the ground with your back up against a wall or couch.

After you’ve done this, part their lips gently and rub the toothpaste all over their teeth in circles with your index finger.

You should clean the outside, inside, and tops of your dog’s teeth with a toothbrush. Once you’ve brushed the visible areas of your border collie’s teeth, you should spray some water in their mouth to get rid of any loose plaque or tartar.

How can I clean my dog’s teeth naturally?

To naturally clean your Border Collie’s teeth, you can give them a bone to chew on. This will help scrape away food that would otherwise cause plaque and tartar problems.

Another option is to give them vegetables like carrots, celery, or apples. You can also rub a tissue against your dog’s teeth which will act as an abrasive surface.

If you don’t want to use any of these methods and would rather brush their teeth, try using a finger toothbrush with canine toothpaste.

What to do if my dog’s teeth are rotting?

If you dog’s teeth are rotting, it’s an emergency, and you need to take them to the vet.

When you take your border collie to the vet, they’ll probably put them under general anesthesia so they can get a better look at their teeth with equipment like pliers, pickers, and hooks.

Don’t panic if your border collie has to have a tooth removed; this is very common. The dentist may remove any broken teeth, decayed teeth, and dental build-ups.

If you want to keep costs down, you can brush your border collie’s teeth at home, which will prevent future problems from occurring.

What should my dog’s teeth look like?

In general, your dog’s teeth should be white and even. They shouldn’t have any discoloration, and there should also not be any scars or dark spots.

If you notice that there is plaque or tartar build-up, then it could just mean that you’re not brushing their teeth often enough.

You should also take them to the vet every 6 months for a professional cleaning which will remove tartar, plaque and any other build-ups that may cause problems in later life.

Can a dog live without teeth?

Yes, a dog can live without teeth. Some dogs lose their teeth naturally and don’t miss them, while others might need a vet’s help because their teeth are hurting them too much to eat.

Their lives will not be in danger if they don’t have teeth, but if you can afford it, get your border collie’s teeth looked at.

A dog with no teeth will need you to help them eat hard food. If they can’t eat hard food, you should cook soft meat and mash it up with some vegetables or fruits until it’s mushy. You can add water to the mixture if necessary.

Border Collie Flat Teeth

A Border Collie with flat teeth will need special attention from a vet. You should not brush a Border Collie with flat teeth because you may wear down their enamel and cause them pain.

Border Collies with flat teeth will need a toothbrush that has soft bristles and a rounded end. You should be able to get one from your local pet store.

Looking after your Border Collie’s Teeth

You should always check their mouth to make sure that no bleeding or pus is coming from it. If you see any of these things, take them to the vet as soon as possible.

5 Tips to clean your Border Collies’ Teeth

Here are some tips when it comes to cleaning your Border Collie’s teeth:

  1. Make it a part of your daily routine to brush their teeth after breakfast and dinner but brushing before bedtime is just as important because some dogs have plaque build-ups overnight.
  2. Don’t use human toothpaste on your dog even though it can be tempting; they don’t need fluoride, which can upset their stomach.
  3. Feed your Border Collie hard food to help clean their teeth with each bite.
  4. Give them lots of freshwater to drink throughout the day so that they can flush out any food particles that get stuck between their teeth while eating.
  5. If you’re having trouble with your dog not letting you brush their teeth, try giving them a treat after they let you do it or praise them, so they know that being brushed is a good thing.

Do Border Collies teeth?

Yes, teething is a natural part of growing up for dogs. You can tell if your dog is teething because they’ll often chew on furniture, their bed, or other items in the house.

At what age do border collies teeth?

Border collies usually start teething at four weeks old. You can feel their teeth if you run your finger over the area where their incisors will be.


Border Collies have 42 teeth, and their teeth should be white and even with no tartar or plaque build-up.

If your border collie’s teeth are not white, then it could just mean that you’re brushing them too infrequently.

Your dog shouldn’t have any broken, rotting, or discolored teeth, and if they do, then you should take them to a vet immediately.

If you brush your Border Collies teeth at home, it will prevent plaque and tartar build-up and help your dog live a long and healthy life.

Dogs need to have their teeth checked out by vets regularly.

Regular checkups for dogs are important because you can check for any problems before they get serious.

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Andre Neves

Hi, I'm Andre and I'm the owner of Sula the Border Collie. I love writing about this amazing dog breed here. I joined the Council to be able to reach and educate more people on the joy of having a pet dog.