Border Collie Skin Problems (Allergies, Itchy, and Dry Skin)

Border Collie Skin Problems. Photo of a Border Collie laying back and showing his belly.

Border Collie skin problems are among the most common health issues for Border Collies. Border Collie owners know that their Border Collies can be prone to many different types of skin conditions, and it is essential to understand how to spot them.

Fortunately, there are easy remedies that can be done at home or by visiting your veterinarian’s office!

We hope you find this article helpful in taking care of your Border Collie’s skin problem!

Do Border Collies have skin problems?

Border Collies have many skin-related problems that professional groomers and veterinarians can treat. The good news is that these conditions are reversible if proper attention is paid to them.

Are border collies prone to skin allergies?

Border collies are prone to many different allergies, including skin allergies. They might also develop a variety of possible hair and skin conditions, like flaky or dry skin.

Is Dry Skin Common In Border Collies?

Dry skin is a common ailment in Border Collies due to multiple factors. Some of the most common causes include diet, environment, and vaccination schedules. In some cases, these can result in secondary infections or seborrhea.

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Signs Of Dry Skin In Border Collies

Dry skin in dogs can be more than just dandruff. Dry skin is a symptom of many different issues, and some of the signs include:

  • Red irritated skin;
  • Dull coat;
  • Frequent itching;
  • Biting at the skin;
  • Fur loss;
  • Sores or hot spots on the skin.

Dry skin can develop due to multiple factors in their environment, such as:

  • Environmental changes;
  • Diet quality and quantity changes;
  • Vaccinations;
  • Hormonal changes (such as during pregnancy);
  • Poor grooming habits like overuse of chemicals.

Sometimes, dry skin can result in secondary infections such as bacterial or fungal skin infections.

Common causes of dry skin in Border Collies?

Dry skin is common in dog breeds, especially those with short coats or who spend a lot of time outside. It can be caused by environmental factors, such as the weather and humidity levels.

Dogs are susceptible to dermatitis when they have allergies to something that they are regularly exposed to, which will cause them to scratch their paws or face excessively.


Environmental allergies, contact allergies, and food allergies are common causes of dry skin in Border Collies.

Fleas and ticks

Fleas and ticks can also trigger allergic reactions to dry skin in Border Collies. Flea allergy dermatitis is the secondary condition of flea allergy. Itchy skin is caused by ectoparasites or scratching and biting.


Border Collies can experience a variety of skin issues throughout the year. These include itchiness, dryness, and allergies. There are many causes of these problems, but most commonly, they occur from winter weather conditions such as cold temperatures and windy days.

Drier air in winter can cause dry skin, especially Border Collies, who spend a lot of time outdoors.

Skin Infections

Border Collies are susceptible to skin infections, but it is secondary to initial irritation most of the time. The dog will react with skin and gastrointestinal problems due to allergies, bacterial or fungal infections.


Some common causes of dry skin in Border Collies are overwashing and stripping natural oils. Speak with your vet to figure out a routine that works best for your dog.

Chronic Skin Conditions

Border Collies often experience chronic conditions that result in dandruff, dry skin, and other issues.

Some of these conditions include metabolic diseases like hypothyroidism or diabetes mellitus. A veterinarian can help with treatment if necessary.

How To Treat and Prevent Dry Skin In Border Collies

There are many ways to treat dry skin in Border Collies, but first, it is essential to figure out the cause.

Environmental allergies, contact allergies, and food allergies are all common causes of dry skin in Border Collies.

Allergies can be treated with medication or injections to reduce the immune response. Some dogs may only require an antihistamine. Other dogs may have to stay on medication for months or years, so keep in close contact with your veterinarian.

Fleas and ticks can also lead to dry skin in Border Collies. Keep them on monthly flea and tick prevention. Flea shampoos can also help with problems due to fleas and ticks.

Chronic Skin Conditions are more persistent but are still common and relatively easy to manage with medication.

Overwashing can be avoided by using a shampoo that is pH balanced and hypoallergenic. Use a shampoo that will help remove dirt but also moisturize your dog’s skin.

If your Border Collie is healthy but still has dry skin, it may be due to environmental changes. In this case, you will have to limit your dog’s exposure by keeping them indoors more often or limiting their time outside during the hot summer, humid months, or cold, windy days.

How to stop Border Collie skin problems

Stoping Border Collie skin problems can be easier than you think. As with any dog, it is crucial to keep its immune system healthy and strong.

Regular veterinary checkups will help your vet monitor for any chronic skin conditions. Also, make sure you are up-to-date on vaccines and boosters.

In addition to taking care of your dog’s general health, take some steps at home to keep their skin healthy too. Remember that the most important thing is finding a balance between keeping your dog comfortable and finding the best treatment method for them.

  • Feed your Border Collie a well-balanced diet that includes healthy fats, proteins, antioxidants, and fiber;
  • Give your Border Collie plenty of water each day to make sure they are hydrated;
  • Make sure their environment is free from any allergens.

There are many other remedies for dry skin in Border Collies. This includes oatmeal baths, lotion, and proper grooming. If there is a small patch of dry skin, moisten it with water or petroleum jelly before applying lotion. This will help the skin absorb the lotion more effectively.

Depending on the cause of your Border Collie’s itching, you might need to speak with your veterinarian about other options.

Should I take my dog to the vet?

If your Border Collie is experiencing skin problems, it is a good idea to consult with a veterinarian. Dogs can experience allergies, bacterial and fungal infections, and many other conditions that require a vet’s treatment.

The earlier you catch the problem, the faster your dog will recover.

Why is my dog covered in white flakes?

There are many reasons for white flakes on your Border Collie. Occasionally they indicate an allergy, but in most cases, the issue is dry skin.

It is probably not an allergy if you bathe your dog regularly, but they are still covered in white flakes. Instead, the flakes are probably dander or dry skin.

Why does my Border Collie have dandruff?

There are many reasons your Border Collie might have dandruff.

Dry skin is a common cause of dandruff. Avoid washing them too frequently, which can also strip their coat of natural oils. It would be best to bathe your dog using a moisturizing shampoo that doesn’t strip the coat of natural oils.

It would help if you also spoke with your veterinarian about supplements that can help keep their skin healthy and hydrated. If the problem persists, it may indicate a bacterial or fungal infection, so it is a good idea to talk with your veterinarian.


Border Collies are prone to skin problems, but most can be avoided simply by taking good care of your dog.

Taking some time to find out what is wrong with your dog and then planning a treatment plan that will work best for you and your dog can be very rewarding.

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Photo of author
Andre Neves

Hi, I'm Andre and I'm the owner of Sula the Border Collie. I love writing about this amazing dog breed here. I joined the Council to be able to reach and educate more people on the joy of having a pet dog.