Why Do Border Collies Stare? (Meaning of the Border Collie Stare)

Why Do Border Collies Stare? Photo of a Border Collie staring

Border Collies are known for their stare. This stare can be intimidating and even frightening, but there are many reasons why a dog will stare.

Border Collie stares can either be a sign of aggression or an obsession. The Border Collie stare is to take hold of what he is staring at.

If you see your dog doing this, it does NOT mean he is trying to intimidate you, but rather that he has taken hold of whatever it is he is staring at and is keeping control of the situation.

However, it is important to understand the reason for your Border Collie’s stare so that you can determine whether or not it is a cause for concern.

Most people believe it’s because the Border Collie has a strong herding instinct. This natural drive to herd can mean they will try to herd humans as well as sheep! But the real answer may be found in the Border Collie’s history.

A Brief History About the Border Collie Stare

The breed was developed in Great Britain by shepherds who needed dogs to work all day long with little break. These dogs were expected to look after the sheep and move them from place to place.

When a Border Collie takes hold of a herd, he or she will stare at the sheep to keep them together.

The keyword there is ‘take hold’. The fact that they stare isn’t why they are such good shepherds… it’s because they grab onto the sheep and take hold of them.

A Border Collie’s stare isn’t actually anything to do with staring; it is to do with the dog ‘taking hold’ of the sheep they are herding.

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What Is a Border Collie Stare?

The Border Collie stare is to take hold of what he is staring at. If you see your dog doing this, it does NOT mean he is trying to intimidate you, but rather that he has taken hold of whatever it is he is staring at and is keeping control of the situation.

Other Common Reasons for Staring

There are many reasons for a Border Collie to stare, such as frustration or confusion.

Because they are so intelligent, Border Collies are very sensitive to any change in their surroundings.

If he doesn’t understand what is going on around him, he may become frustrated and stare at it until he figures out how to respond.

Border Collies also tend to be obsessive about certain activities. This can lead to repetitive behavior such as pacing or staring.

If your dog stares at objects for long periods of time, it may be because his brain has become obsessed with the object, and he is trying to figure out a way to make it go away.

Is Staring a Bad Behavior in Border Collies?

No matter the reason for a Border Collie stare, it isn’t always a bad thing. However, if a Border Collie stares at you for extended periods of time or seems to be more intense than normal, you should contact your veterinarian.

Why Does My Border Collie Stare at Me?

The most plausible reason why your Border Collie stares at you is that he has become obsessed with you.

Border Collies can display one of two possible reactions when they become obsessed, staring, or bouncing.

If your dog is staring at you, he most likely views you as a family member and feels safe around you. If he has taken hold of you in his mind, there’s no reason to be afraid. He will protect you.

If he jumps at you or bounces around, you may want to check your dog for injuries or illness. If you can’t find any reason why he is acting strangely, it might be time to take him in for a check-up with a veterinarian.

How to Stop Your Border Collie From Staring?

To stop your BC from staring at you, you must work on the underlying cause of fixation.

If your Border Collie seems to be staring at you for no reason, it is most likely due to an obsession with you, something in his environment, or he just wants your attention.

If you notice your Border Collie staring, don’t use the stare as a way to discipline him. It’s very possible that he views this behavior as positive attention and will even try it when he does something wrong because it gets the same result!

The best way to deal with this behavior is to ignore it. Remember that positive attention reinforces bad behavior, so if your Border Collie stares at you and you give in by petting him, he’ll continue the behavior because it rewards him with attention.

What Are the Different Types of Border Collie ‘eye’ or Stare?

There are many reasons for a Border Collie to stare, such as frustration or confusion.

As mentioned before, Border Collies are very sensitive to any change in their surroundings.

Obsession with you

If your dog stares at you and it doesn’t seem like he’s trying to intimidate you, but rather he wants your attention, it might mean that he has become obsessed with you and views you as a family member.


This type of staring indicates that the dog has reached their limit and has no idea what to do next. Usually, this type of behavior will be followed by barking or whining.


This behavior indicates that the dog is using staring as a way to intimidate. If your dog stares at you and gives you his paw, it is most likely an aggressive stare or warning for you to stay away from him or things he believes are his.

Obsession with something in the environment

If your dog stares at a certain area or object, he might have become obsessed with that topic. If this behavior goes on for a long time during walks, it’s likely an indication of anxiety and frustration.

If you want to get rid of your Border Collie from staring behavior, you will have to address each of the four staring types.

How to Prevent a Border Collie From Staring at Me?

The best way to prevent the stare is by giving your BC more exercise. A tired Border Collie will be far less likely to become obsessed with you and will instead come to you for attention when he wants something.

Finally, you should show your Border Collie that staring at you is not appropriate behavior. If his stares are out of fear or frustration, don’t look directly into his eyes and talk to him calmly.

If he’s too distracted by something else in the environment, distract him with treats until he looks away.

Finally, if failure to address your Border Collie’s staring behavior continues to be a problem, then consult with a professional trainer.

The Myth About the Border Collies Stare

The age-old myth that they stare at the sheep because they’re trying to hypnotize them or whatever is completely untrue.

A Border Collie stares at their sheep to take hold of them and move them where they want them, like a gentle giant lugging around a whole flock of sheep all day.

In Conclusion

The more intelligent these dogs are, the more sensitive they become to changes in their environment.

In conclusion, the reasons for Border Collies to stare are due to frustration, obsession with their surroundings, or fixation on something or someone.

If your dog stares at you and you want it to stop, work on addressing each type of staring behavior so that they can be redirected.

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Andre Neves

Hi, I'm Andre and I'm the owner of Sula the Border Collie. I love writing about this amazing dog breed here. I joined the Council to be able to reach and educate more people on the joy of having a pet dog.